بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

18 شعبان 1446ھ 17 فروری 2025 ء

Rules Regulations

Rules Regulations

For the Students and Their Guardians

    Every student should be a strict follower of "Ahl-e-Sunnah wal-Jama'at" school of thought. He should have a complete harmony and compatibility with the thoughts and deeds of all the Ulama in general and elders of the Jamiah in particular.
     It is a must that every student offers his prayers punctually with congregation. No excuse outside the permissible limits of Shariah will be acceptable
     One of the basic conditions for acquiring knowledge and benefiting from it is that students should hold their teachers in high esteem and veneration. It is, therefore, indispensable for them to respect all of their teachers and develop a closest possible attachment with them even though they may not be their direct teachers.
    Every student must follow the righteous predecessors of the Ummah in manners and deed, in appearance and behavior, in dress and upkeep. Smoking, keeping fancy hair styles, shaving the beard or trimming it contrary to Shariah are all such acts, which are prohibited. Quarreling with other students or with the staff of the Jamiah, using bad language, misbehaving, picking faults, back-biting or making fun of others are the most indecent habits from which every student should refrain.
     Every student should place their complaints or their requirements before their teachers or the administration. If any student misbehaves with him, he should not retaliate but he should bring it to the notice of the supervisors and teachers to seek remedy.
     Absence from classes is an unpardonable offence and an irreparable loss. In case where it is unavoidable due to strong and valid reasons, the student should submit an application for leave himself to the administration and should not do so either through phone or by proxy. Sick leave will be granted only in cases where it is impossible to attend classes or where attendance would worsen the illness. The request for leave of students residing in the hostel will be entertained only when it is counter-signed by the supervising authority of the hostel. Students who live outside the Jamiah will have to get their request counter-signed by their guardian and the class teacher.
    Students who are negligent in revision and studies will be admonished. If they do not take heed even after a warning, disciplinary action will be taken against them.
    Students are not allowed to take part in politics, attend political meetings join processions and pursue non-educational activities. The student who is found to be guilty of his involvement in such matters will be expelled from the Jamiah.
    As the Jamiah looks after the needs of the students, they are, therefore, duty-bound to concentrate on their studies with full attention, time and energies. They should not seek other sources of income to satisfy their needs.
     Those students, who are studying at the Jamiah and at the same time are working outside in professions like Imam or Muazzin, will not be entitled to get scholarships or hostel facilities from the Jamiah.
     The guardians of young students, who do not reside at the Jamiah, should accompany them at the time of admission. They should thoroughly read the rules and regulations and understand what the teachers and supervisors say in this regard. They should ensure that their children follow these rules and instructions and where necessary, take corrective measures if they violate these rules. They should visit the Jamiah from time to time and meet their teachers and supervisors to enquire about their progress. During the periods of vacation, they should keep a strict watch on their studies, manners and religious deeds. More importantly, they should ensure that they do not mingle with bad company.
    Students residing at the Hostel may go out only between the prayers of Asr and Maghrib and if they wish to go out at any other time besides the above timings, they must obtain a permission from the supervising authority of the Hostel.
    Except the time between the prayers of Asr and Maghrib, students should be present either at the hostel or in the classrooms all the time, particularly at night in one of these two places. If anyone is found missing at the hostel when the attendance is called out, he will be liable for a disciplinary action.
     Those students should not waste their time in undesirable recreational activities, meeting friends, and entertaining guests unnecessarily. Even after the warning if they do not mend their ways they will be expelled from the Jamiah. They are not allowed to let guests stay in the Hostel without a permission.
    They must inform their friends and guests either to visit them between Asr and Maghrib prayers or on Friday.
    Every student should observe neatness and cleanliness. Particularly on Friday, every student should clean his room and the veranda before he bathes and changes clothes. The garbage should not be thrown here and there but at the place designated for it. He should not keep the classroom or his room at the hostel and verandah untidy and dirty. He should not either write or draw something on the walls. He should not use small stones or clod in the toilet, but instead use water for toiletry purposes. He should ensure to clean the washing place after he has washed utensils or clothes. He should keep everything in his room nicely, orderly and neatly. In short, he should be a model of cleanliness, decency, refined behavior and piety.
    The Chancellor, teachers and the administrative officials have every right to ask for an explanation from every student. A student is duty-bound to comply with their orders. They have every right to take disciplinary action against a student found guilty of any sort of violation.
     Every student should abide by the rules and regulations of the Jamiah and the instructions given to them by the teachers from time to time.