بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

20 شعبان 1446ھ 19 فروری 2025 ء

Aims and objectives of the Jamia

Aims and objectives of the Jamia

The main objective of the Jamiah is to prepare such Ulama and preachers of Islam who are, on one hand, highly qualified in their fields of education and on the other hand, are equipped with the qualities of piety, sincerity and dedication. It should be their sole purpose to safeguard the fundamental tenets of religion, to propagate it and to lead people to the straight path.

To establish contacts with other religious universities, madrasahs and educational centres and to co-operate with them in the field of knowledge, experience and teaching.

To acquaint the new generation with Islam, Islamic values, etiquettes and Islamic culture.

To publish literature against false and heretic ideologies for the rectification and guidance of The Muslim Ummah.

Furthermore, to arrange translation and publication of important and useful Arabic books into Urdu and vice-versa.